Welcome To Touchpoints Ministry Focus

We want to connect you with what God is doing in Hermosillo and adjacent area through the ministry of EFCCM, in partnership with the family of Arbol de Vida, and to share in our joy through the ministries God which has privileged us to have a part.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 31, 2012                                 Progress in the Desert: Not just a story about constructing buildings

I hope you will enjoy this little story, as much as I am going to enjoy writing it.
Last night the missions group from the church arrived at Hacienda de los Arboles for their ten days of boot camp. These are all young people with one adult named Alejandro, (Alexander). These are youth that will be participating in two mission trips this summer to Buffalo Narrows in Canada, and to India. They can come here for their orientation, (boot camp) for the ten days of their Easter holiday, when they are not attending university or senior high. They will also be coming here two more times before they leave on the first mission trip. The group is arranged rather like our Canadian Bible camp arrangement. Some who are high school students are cooking-cleaning staff, and the majority are participants in the mission trips. However, they all do the activities together, when the work is done.
Alejandro came out and looked the place over and he said, “This is perfect.” He wanted it to be rustic so the team would be stretched in their ability to adapt to living conditions that might be less than ideal.
So,  Reg and I have had one night of hosting this group, and we can tell you it has been a joy to see them, and hear them also…. all night in fact.
One of the guys has his mattress on top of the church van. There he slept… we think. However, since they sang and played all night by the campfire, we are not sure anyone slept… including us.
The big grey building (called the Main Building, or the Main) did not yet have all the screens on the windows, and they had planned to sleep on the concrete floor inside the building. The girls were a little unsure about all the little bits of excrement on the floor, since the group from Winnipeg had cleaned it a week previous. “Is it rat droppings?” I assured them, it is just a little gift from the bats. “Will they bite us?” “Probably not, unless you have been watching Dracula movies.”  
Well, they came out and settled in, waiting around somewhat for Reg to do some things. Like make a hookup to the big propane kitchen stove in the dark, while I held the light. Then he had to make connections for lights inside the building. Then they began their orientation, with Alejandro teaching his passion, Missions. They first are studying the Pentateuch. These youth were all in university when Gus taught the Pentateuch at Seminary in February.   
Not long after Reg and I retired, and their campfire was built, we started to hear fun happening, beginning with some beautiful Choruses, then later, some fireworks. In addition, much later, they were hammering on something.
Ahh, 2:00 AM. The fire is glowing and there are wannabe missionaries out there.
Ahh, 6:00 AM, the fire is glowing, and there are wannabe missionaries out there. Reggie, with his classic dry humor, “There going to smell great after the whole night around that fire. They are definitely preparing for Buffalo Narrows. How long will it be until they ask about having a shower?”
 7:00 AM, I wandered out to the fire, to see who was there, and what was up.  
“Is staying awake all night by the fire, part of your orientation to missions?” 
With smiles of agreement and in concert, “Si”.
“We are wondering if maybe there are nocturnal people where you are going to in India. Was this a necessary part of your boot camp?”   
 “Si” I wanted them to admit, that this first nocturnal night was just for fun. They kidded, or thought they were fooling me, for some time before they admitted they were just having fun.
Amazing that Alejandro was right there by the fire with them, all night, and laughing because he had burned his shoe.   
“Ahh, they’ll be tired out in a couple a days and they’ll all be in bed by ten.
AM 8:00 Alejandro is leading the exercise program. They are doing range of motion, and after that, a jog around the block. It’s a country block; not a Mexican city block.
 9:00 AM Alejandro asks Reg, “Do you have any provision for showers?   
Reg:  “No, not for at least two more days”.
9:30. Rojo and Mauricio  ask, “What can we use to build a shower? Then, referring to the old tub that came with the camp, “Can we have that tub over there”
“Yes, go ahead. Use anything you want. “
Linda: My request is build it close to the compost so we can re-use some of the moisture.
“It is so good to see these guys using their heads to make something from nothing. Hmm… Maybe I should delay that shower job for another couple of days. For the next couple of hours we noticed a continual parade of youth, going to the cistern, drawing up a bucket of cold water, and heading for the bathtub.  Brrrrrrh . Ahh sweet youth!
About noon they are paying for their “free” boot camp. There is never enough money to purchase all the necessary things for constructing a place like this, and the youth… Where does the money come from to pay for 10 days away from jobs or school. Well, how about a little labor at Hacienda de Los Arboles. Noon finds 12 young energetic bodies (after a night without sleep? You gotta be kidding) shoveling gravel and sand, and mixing cement right there on the ground. Reggie says, he could not afford a mixer, so he called for Manuel….That’s manual labor.
About PM 3:00, and after some hours in teaching sessions, they began their Co-operation Game. Go to --------- to see  it. What a lot of fun. Next, we witnessed a game of American football on the street.
A testimony to the many neighbors driving by, that this place is being used.
Add another teaching session on the Pentateuch, the arrival of some of the church worship team, to join Abram in worship. Another hour of singing and praise, and everything is quiet. It is 10:30 PM.  Ahh, sweet youth!
A Great Day!  A Privilege to be here investing A cooperation Game and Test

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